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- Booking Calendar | Nami North Texas
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- Helen Brose | Nami North Texas
Helen Brose Helen is the Media and Communications Project Manager for NAMI North Texas. She runs the website design and updates, newsletters and email blasts, and assists with event planning. Her background consists of film and television production with a BA in Media Arts from the University of North Texas. 作为一名前职业足球运动员,我可以获得心理健康资源。 NFL 和 NFL 球员协会联手创建了一个心理健康资源,供前任和现任球员在需要时寻求帮助。这是对我们和我们家人的免费服务。 我会在必要时使用这些资源,甚至只是检查一下我在生活中的位置和正在发生的事情。 上周,NAMI North Texas 开始了一项培训计划,旨在为执法部门(以及最终所有急救人员及其家人)提供一个完全保密、免费、无污名的心理健康支持网络。 通过设计,它解决了急救人员倾向于不寻求心理保健的最突出原因;社会和职业耻辱、对降职或失业的恐惧、无法找到能够与引起对心理健康专业人员需求的重复性创伤相关的提供者。该计划将是心理健康护理完全保密的第一步,使急救人员更容易寻求帮助。同伴支持者也将成为专业心理健康服务的桥梁。他们将接受培训,以识别同事的需求何时超过他们接受的培训,并帮助他们与具有与急救人员合作经验的治疗师、精神病医生或其他专业服务人员建立联系。 我一直尊重执法人员,是的,即使在一些困难的情况下,因为他们也有家庭,他们的首要任务是为社区提供服务,保护和服务。 蒂米纽瑟姆 NAMI NTX 总裁 有关我们的更多信息 守望先锋同伴支持计划(OPS) , 联系我们的项目和运营总监, 克里斯托弗·佩恩 。
- Christopher Payne | Nami North Texas
Christopher Payne LCSW Chris is the Frontline Wellness Coordinator at NAMI North Texas, and is also a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a background in trauma. Previously a college dropout, Chris went into the military and served six years as a combat medic in the US Army, deploying to both Iraq and Afghanistan. Chris began unofficially providing peer support to other soldiers during his enlistment and, due to the high amount of trauma and suicide Chris witnessed in the military, he decided to go officially into the mental health field after his honorable discharge in 2014. He returned to school and finished his undergraduate and graduate degrees and began working as a licensed professional in the mental health field in 2018. He has worked closely with the veteran and first responder populations in North Texas, providing direct mental health care, critical incident debriefings, suicide and mental health trainings. He helped to develop the Overwatch Peer Support Program, a future NAMI Signature Program, and now manages the program.