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  • Michelle Horridge OPS Instructor Bio | Nami North Texas

    About Michelle Horridge Michelle has 23 years law enforcement experience; 18 years for Flower Mound Police Department, and is currently a Mental Health Coordinator/Detective. She graduated from Midwestern State University with a BA in Criminal Justice, has a Master TCOLE Peace Officer License, is a TCOLE Instructor, Peer Support Team Coordinator, Traffic Accident Investigator, Crime Prevention Specialist, and CIT Coordinator.

  • Kids, Teens, & Young Adults | Nami North Texas

    Kids, Teens, & Young Adults Ending the Silence NAMI's Ending the Silence program is a trio of engaging presentations to help schools and organizations serving youth and their families address mental health. Ending the Silence is a powerful tool in raising awareness, improving understanding and reducing stigma. LEARN MORE NAMI BASICS NAMI Basics is a free, six session program designed for parents and other family caregivers of children and adolescents with emotional and behavioral difficulties. NAMI Basics helps parents and other family caregivers understand the mental health conditions that may be causing these behavioral difficulties and the critical role families play in the treatment of those conditions. The program is taught by trained teachers who are also parents/family caregivers whose children experienced emotional or behavioral difficulties. LEARN MORE nami baSICS FOR pROFESSIONALS NAMI Basics is a free, six session program designed for parents and other family caregivers of children and adolescents experiencing mental health challenges. NAMI North Texas is now offering this class for professionals to help them better understand the impact that mental health conditions have on the youth as well as the family. The information provided will equip professionals working with youth and their families with unique insights that can enable them to work more collaboratively with families as part of the treatment team, as well as help them understand the value of referring their clients to NAMI Basics. LEARN MORE NAMI ON CAMPUS NAMI On Campus are student-led clubs that raise mental health awareness and reduce stigma in schools and college campuses through peer-led activities, education, and events. Through a partnership with NAMI North Texas, student leaders are empowered with toolkits, materials, and resources to make running the club fun and educational. NAMI On Campus clubs connect students with their local community and supports them in creating a culture free of judgment and accepting of reaching out for help; a more aware and mental health-supportive school culture. NAMI On Campus clubs are open to all students interested in mental health – It is not a support or therapy group. The club serves as a space where like minded students can spearhead activities and discussions that combat stigma and contribute to an overall positive climate for mental health. LEARN MORE NAMI North Texas is proud to partner with these schools, universities, churches, and community groups to encourage conversation about mental health. 我们热爱并感谢我们的赞助商。 Mental Health Facts: Children & Teens 10 Common Warning Signs of a Mental Health Condition in Teens and Young Adults Telling the difference between "normal" behaviors and what might be the signs of a mental health condition isn't always easy. Some common warning signs are highlighted in this video. For more local resource information for families and children, please visit our resource page .

  • Public Documents | Nami North Texas

    Public Documents Bylaws Operating Policies & Procedures Impact Reports 2023 Impact Report 2022 Impact Report 2021 Impact Report 2020 Impact Report 2019 Impact Report For any reports prior to 2019 please contact us

  • Class Schedule | Nami North Texas

    Class Schedule Welcome to the NAMI Classes page! Here, you can register for any open classes listed. Please note that some classes may be full, but you can still be waitlisted for future classes. Fall Classes Registration is Full, but You Can Still Join Us! Our fall sessions have closed, but you can still participate in our upcoming Family & Friends Seminar. Register and secure your spot! Register Here Jump To: Basics Family-to-Family De Familia a Familia Family & Friends Peer-to-Peer Homefront 6-week class for family of a youth under 22 with a mental health condition TBA TBA Waitlist 8-week class for family of an adult with a mental health condition September 9 Mondays | 6:30 PM September 9th - October 28th FUMC Rockwall - Room 117B 1200 E Yellow Jacket Lane, Rockwall, TX 75087 Waitlist 8-semana clases Para todos Septiembre 14 Los Sabados a las | 11:00am Septiembre 14 - Noviembre 2 Más información después del registro Via Zoom lista de espera 8-session program to educate adults with mental illness about their condition September 17 Tuesdays | 6:00 PM September 17th - November 5th Virtual | Zoom Waitlist 6-session educational program for families, caregivers and friends of military service members and veterans with mental health conditions. TBA TBA Waitlist 4-hour seminar for family, partners, and friends of an adult with a mental health condition November 9th Saturday | 9 AM - 2 PM Lakewood United Methodist Church 2443 ABRAMS Road Dallas, TX, 75214 Register Here

  • NEW Support Group Schedule | Nami North Texas

    What’s On Family Support Group Upcoming NAMI Support Groups Description of the supports and all support groups nami ntx holds Learn More An Odyssey Through Time Explore a captivating array of artworks, spanning from 1940 to the present. Learn More Opening Times Monday to Sunday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Last entry at 5:30 PM
 Closed on Saturdays Unlimited tickets available for purchase at the door.

  • Compartiendo Esperanza | Nami North Texas

    Compartiendo Esperanza THIS IS A GREAT PLACE FOR YOUR TAGLINE. Tell your visitors your story. Add catchy text to describe what you do, and what you have to offer. The right words can inspire and intrigue your audience, so they’re ready to take action on your site. To start telling your story, double click or click Edit Text. I'M AN ORIGINAL CATCHPHRASE I’m a paragraph. Double click here or click Edit Text to add some text of your own or to change the font. This is the place for you to tell your site visitors a little bit about you and your services.

  • Printables | Nami North Texas

    Printables NAMI NTX Resource Card Save as a 4x6 photo 911 Checklist Save as a 4x6 photo

  • Pasha Rahman | Nami North Texas

    Mohammad 'Pasha' Rahman Vice President Pharm D., MHA, FACHE Pasha Rahman is the Director of Pharmacy Services at Medical City Green Oaks Hospital in Dallas, Texas. Medical City Green Oaks Hospital is dedicated to inpatient psychiatric care, and has multiple outpatient programs and locations in North Texas. 作为一名前职业足球运动员,我可以获得心理健康资源。 NFL 和 NFL 球员协会联手创建了一个心理健康资源,供前任和现任球员在需要时寻求帮助。这是对我们和我们家人的免费服务。 我会在必要时使用这些资源,甚至只是检查一下我在生活中的位置和正在发生的事情。 上周,NAMI North Texas 开始了一项培训计划,旨在为执法部门(以及最终所有急救人员及其家人)提供一个完全保密、免费、无污名的心理健康支持网络。 通过设计,它解决了急救人员倾向于不寻求心理保健的最突出原因;社会和职业耻辱、对降职或失业的恐惧、无法找到能够与引起对心理健康专业人员需求的重复性创伤相关的提供者。该计划将是心理健康护理完全保密的第一步,使急救人员更容易寻求帮助。同伴支持者也将成为专业心理健康服务的桥梁。他们将接受培训,以识别同事的需求何时超过他们接受的培训,并帮助他们与具有与急救人员合作经验的治疗师、精神病医生或其他专业服务人员建立联系。 我一直尊重执法人员,是的,即使在一些困难的情况下,因为他们也有家庭,他们的首要任务是为社区提供服务,保护和服务。 蒂米纽瑟姆 NAMI NTX 总裁 有关我们的更多信息 守望先锋同伴支持计划(OPS) , 联系我们的项目和运营总监, 克里斯托弗·佩恩 。

  • FAQ | Nami North Texas

    What types of services does NAMI North Texas provide? NAMI North Texas is a non-profit organization providing free education, advocacy, and support for individuals and family members affected by a mental health condition. We do not offer any medical or clinical services. We offer helpline support from 9 AM - 5 PM for callers wanting to obtain general information about mental health resources. You can reach us at (214) 341-7133. How can a person reach the NAMI North Texas helpline? The NAMI North Texas helpline is available by phone and email. Individuals seeking assistance can call (214) 341-7133 or email If no one is available to take your call immediately, please leave a message, and your call will be returned. Should you or anyone you know require emergency assistance, please dial 911. View our Emergency Guide and 911 Checklist for advice on speaking to law enforcement regarding a loved one with a mental health condition. What type of information is provided through the NAMI North Texas helpline? NAMI North Texas provides basic mental health information, contact information on resources available in Dallas, Collin, Denton and Rockwall Counties, as well as additional information about the education, support, and advocacy services we provide. Who are your services for? Our services are generally designed for individuals 18 years of age or older who have a mental health challenge OR are a family member/caregiver of a person with a mental health diagnosis. We also have programs and services for local companies, schools, businesses, city and state offices/divisions, etc., seeking training and presentations on mental health. What does NAMI mean by "peer"? A peer, in this case, is an individual living with a mental health condition and is in recovery. What does NAMI mean by "family member"? In this case, a family member/caregiver is an individual of a loved one living with a mental health condition. What is a NAMI North Texas support group? NAMI Connection is a free, 60-90 minute recovery support group for people living with a mental health condition where people learn from one another's experiences, share coping strategies, and offer mutual encouragement and understanding. The groups provide an ongoing opportunity to discuss the challenges of living with a mental health condition and techniques for maintaining wellness. All groups are facilitated by peers recovering from a mental health condition. NAMI Family Support Group is a free, 60-90 minute local meeting of caregivers of individuals with a mental health condition. Family members can talk frankly about their challenges and help one another through their learned wisdom. These meetings are facilitated by trained NAMI members in NAMI affiliates across the country, and participants are encouraged to share actively in the group's work. Support groups are ongoing throughout the year. The current schedule of NAMI North Texas support groups is HERE. Are NAMI North Texas support groups open to anyone? NAMI North Texas support groups are only for individuals 18 and over who live with a mental health condition OR family members/caregivers seeking peer support. What is a NAMI North Texas education class? Peer-to-Peer Education Class is a free, 8-week, peer-directed recovery education course open to any person with a mental health condition. Peer-to-Peer emphasizes recovery from mental health conditions as a feasible, supportable goal and challenges the stigma often wrongly associated with mental health conditions. Family-to-Family Education Class is a free, 8-week course for families, partners, and friends of individuals with a mental health condition taught by more than 3,500 trained NAMI Family members and caregivers of individuals living with a mental health condition. The course dwells on the emotional responses families have to the trauma of mental health conditions; many family members describe their experience in the program as life-changing. Familia-de-Familia Education Class is a free, 12-week course for families, partners, and friends of individuals with a mental health condition taught by more than 3,500 trained NAMI Family members and caregivers of individuals living with a mental health condition. The course dwells on the emotional responses families have to the trauma of mental health conditions; many family members describe their experience in the program as life-changing. NAMI Basics is a free, 6-week, peer-directed education program developed specifically for parents and other family caregivers of children and adolescents. Education classes are usually scheduled in seasonal blocks (Fall, Spring & Summer). Current courses are listed HERE. Does NAMI North Texas have any more class locations than what is listed on the website? The NAMI Signature Classes (Family-to-Family, Peer-to-Peer, and NAMI Basics) listed on the NAMI North Texas website are currently available for NAMI North Texas. To locate a free education class outside the NAMI Dallas service area, please visit and select the "Find Your Local NAMI" tab. This page will bring up a map of the United States, and visitors can choose a state and city in which a local NAMI affiliate may be located. Can a high school or college student attend a support group or education class for a research project? NAMI North Texas support groups are closed to students/professionals seeking to complete education/employment requirements. This guideline ensures that we protect our participants and maintain a healthy environment without any distractions or feelings of apprehension. However, some education courses may be open to students/professionals. Consent is REQUIRED from the teacher and participants enrolled in the class before visiting. If you are a student/professional and would like to see a class, please contact the NAMI North Texas office first at (214) 341-7133 or via email at Where can a person view a complete list of NAMI North Texas services? Click here for a list of services, or view the document below, available in both Spanish and English. Do you have to sign up for NAMI North Texas services? Individuals (family members and people living with a mental health condition) interested in taking a class must register to ensure we have enough material and space. The only requirement to attend a support group is that you are diagnosed with a mental health condition or a family member/caregiver of a person with a mental health condition. All NAMI North Texas services are FREE. Does NAMI North Texas provide housing/residential services? NAMI North Texas does not provide housing/residential services. We encourage anyone seeking housing information to contact Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance. Helpful information may also be available at Does NAMI North Texas provide transportation assistance? NAMI North Texas does not provide transportation. If you receive services through Medicaid, you may be eligible for The Medical Transportation Program. The Medical Transportation Program sets up non-emergency rides for people who have no other way to get to their Medicaid healthcare visits. This includes people with Medicaid, children who get services through the Children with Special Health Care Needs program, and people in the Transportation of Indigent Cancer Patients program. To get more information about the program, please visit The toll-free phone number you call depends on where you live: Live in the Dallas area? Call 1-855-687-3255 Everyone else can call 1-877-633-8747 Does NAMI North Texas conduct home visits, welfare checks, or provide home health aide services? NAMI North Texas does not conduct home visits, welfare checks, or provide home health aide services. For welfare checks, contact your local non-emergency police department. Can NAMI North Texas recommend/refer a psychiatrist, other medical professionals, or medical advice? NAMI North Texas does not provide referrals to doctors or therapists or provide any medical advice. Can NAMI North Texas recommend/refer a legal representative, legal services, or legal advice? NAMI North Texas does not recommend legal representatives, legal services, or legal advice. Can NAMI North Texas provide medication needs? NAMI North Texas is a non-clinical mental health organization. We do not have medical staff available to answer any questions regarding medications. Please follow up with your primary care physician or prescriber. In case of an emergency, please dial 911. What other resources does NAMI North Texas have for those seeking help? Please visit our Resource page and our Education & Support page for more information. How can someone obtain a mental illness warrant? To learn more about or obtain a mental illness warrant in the Dallas area, please call 214-653-7485 or 214-653-7418. Mental Illness warrant procedures vary in each county; if you are outside of Dallas County, please contact your local court to determine how to obtain a mental illness warrant. Does NAMI North Texas accept donations? NAMI North Texas accepts in-kind and monetary donations. Donations can be given through our secure online PayPal account, or checks may be mailed to 2812 Swiss Ave. Dallas, Texas 75204. Please call (214) 341-7133 to determine what in-kind donations are accepted. How much are the NAMI North Texas membership fees/dues? NAMI North Texas offers 3 levels of membership: Individual : $40 Family: $60 Open Door: $5 (for persons with a limited income source) Become a member here. Does NAMI North Texas utilize volunteer services? NAMI North Texas is a volunteer-based organization, and we welcome individuals of various backgrounds interested in helping support the mission of NAMI North Texas. Please visit our Volunteer page to learn more. What are NAMI North Texas' hours of operation? NAMI North Texas business hours are Monday-Friday from 9 AM – 5 PM.

  • ShaRonda Young Calederon | Nami North Texas

    Sharonda Young Calderon ShaRonda Young Calderon is a mental health advocate that lives in the DFW Metroplex with her three children. In June of 2018, ShaRonda lost her husband, Deputy Homero Calderon, to suicide. Homero, an 18yr veteran of the Dallas County Sheriff Dept, suffered with PTSI. ShaRonda has used the traumatic loss of her husband as a catalyst to educate and spread awareness of mental health and suicide prevention within the law enforcement community. 作为一名前职业足球运动员,我可以获得心理健康资源。 NFL 和 NFL 球员协会联手创建了一个心理健康资源,供前任和现任球员在需要时寻求帮助。这是对我们和我们家人的免费服务。 我会在必要时使用这些资源,甚至只是检查一下我在生活中的位置和正在发生的事情。 上周,NAMI North Texas 开始了一项培训计划,旨在为执法部门(以及最终所有急救人员及其家人)提供一个完全保密、免费、无污名的心理健康支持网络。 通过设计,它解决了急救人员倾向于不寻求心理保健的最突出原因;社会和职业耻辱、对降职或失业的恐惧、无法找到能够与引起对心理健康专业人员需求的重复性创伤相关的提供者。该计划将是心理健康护理完全保密的第一步,使急救人员更容易寻求帮助。同伴支持者也将成为专业心理健康服务的桥梁。他们将接受培训,以识别同事的需求何时超过他们接受的培训,并帮助他们与具有与急救人员合作经验的治疗师、精神病医生或其他专业服务人员建立联系。 我一直尊重执法人员,是的,即使在一些困难的情况下,因为他们也有家庭,他们的首要任务是为社区提供服务,保护和服务。 蒂米纽瑟姆 NAMI NTX 总裁 有关我们的更多信息 守望先锋同伴支持计划(OPS) , 联系我们的项目和运营总监, 克里斯托弗·佩恩 。

  • Heather Bianchi | Nami North Texas

    Heather Bianchi MA, BCBA, LBA Heather Bianchi, M.A., BCBA, LBA is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst and Licensed Behavior Analyst who currently serves as Executive Vice President for Behavioral Transformations – a company that provides ABA therapy, Speech Therapy, and Counseling primarily for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder across seven clinics in Rockwall and Kaufman County. 作为一名前职业足球运动员,我可以获得心理健康资源。 NFL 和 NFL 球员协会联手创建了一个心理健康资源,供前任和现任球员在需要时寻求帮助。这是对我们和我们家人的免费服务。 我会在必要时使用这些资源,甚至只是检查一下我在生活中的位置和正在发生的事情。 上周,NAMI North Texas 开始了一项培训计划,旨在为执法部门(以及最终所有急救人员及其家人)提供一个完全保密、免费、无污名的心理健康支持网络。 通过设计,它解决了急救人员倾向于不寻求心理保健的最突出原因;社会和职业耻辱、对降职或失业的恐惧、无法找到能够与引起对心理健康专业人员需求的重复性创伤相关的提供者。该计划将是心理健康护理完全保密的第一步,使急救人员更容易寻求帮助。同伴支持者也将成为专业心理健康服务的桥梁。他们将接受培训,以识别同事的需求何时超过他们接受的培训,并帮助他们与具有与急救人员合作经验的治疗师、精神病医生或其他专业服务人员建立联系。 我一直尊重执法人员,是的,即使在一些困难的情况下,因为他们也有家庭,他们的首要任务是为社区提供服务,保护和服务。 蒂米纽瑟姆 NAMI NTX 总裁 有关我们的更多信息 守望先锋同伴支持计划(OPS) , 联系我们的项目和运营总监, 克里斯托弗·佩恩 。

  • 2023 Sponsors | Nami North Texas

    We would like to thank the generous sponsors of our 2023 NAMIWalks North Texas! Your ongoing support of the NAMI mission is helping us expand access to mental health support and education across North Texas. THANK YOU! Julie & Pierce Noble J&J Leavitt Denton County MHMR Mental Health America of Greater Dallas Grant Halliburton Foundation

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