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- Recursos | Nami North Texas
Recursos Asistencia Psiquiátrica y Emergencias EMERGENCIA 911 Dallas Policía No Emergencia: (214) 744-4444 Medical City Green Oaks Hospital: (972) 991-9504 Parkland Psiquiatría de emergencia: (214) 590-8761 Poison Help: (800) 222-1222 Suicidio y Crisis Center of North Texas: (214) 828-1000 North Texas Behavioral Health Authority: (214) 366-9407 Dallas Metrocare Services: (214) 330-7722 Números frecuentes APAA (Asociación de Afectados por la Adicción): (214 ) 634- 2722 Centro de Mi Salud: (214) 941-0798 - Servicios en español Cárcel del Condado de Dallas (Lew Sterrett) Enlace de Salud Mental: (214) 761-1331 Dallas County Jail Psiquiatría: (214) 653-2845 Dallas Public Defender: (214) 653-3550 Derechos de los Discapacitados de Texas: (214) 630-0916 o (800) 252-9108 Jewish Family Service: (972) 437-9950 Lakes Regional MHMR L-V, de 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.: (972) 524- 4159 Lakes Regional MHMR - Rockwall y Helping Hands Jamie Moorehead: (972) 771-4357 LifeNet: (214) 932-1953 Medicaid: (800) 252-8263 Prelude Clubhouse: (469) 301-6639 Clubhouse: (972) 690-7526 Salud Mental América -Greater Dallas: (214) 871-2420 Enfermedad mental Corte y Warrants: (214) 653-7485 o (214) 653-7418 NAMI Tejas Afiliación Estado: (800) 633-3760 Social Security Administration: (800) 772-1213 Terrell Hospital Estatal de Metro: (972) 524-6452 Tejas 211: (877) 541-7905 "Mental Health: A Guide for Latinos and Their Familes"/ Salud Mental: Una Guía para Latinos y sus Familias:Guidebook y vídeos de acompañamiento en español o Inglés creados por la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría. Una agencia de salud mental que proporciona atención de calidad para todos los consumidores, centrándose en sus necesidades. Estamos preparados, cultural y lingüísticamente competente. Sirviendo la Dallas Ft Worth Metroplex, Centro está compuesto por profesionales especializados y con licencia. Nuestro personal ofrece servicios a niños, adolescentes y adultos. Para obtener más información acerca de los servicios, por favor llame (214) 941-0798 La Mano Amiga Una revista mensual gratuita en español que ofrece artículos originales con información y asesoramiento para los inmigrantes latinos recientes. La publicación cubre una variedad de temas, incluyendo la salud mental y el bienestar con números telefónicos gratuitos culturalmente competentes y enlaces a páginas web en español, facultando a los lectores a buscar más información por su cuenta. Para leer más sobre La Mano Amiga, por favor haga clic en el azul "La Mano Amiga" por debajo La mano amiga
- Alyse Ferguson | Nami North Texas
Alyse Ferguson Alyse Ferguson is the Chief Attorney of the Collin County Mental Health Managed Counsel Program (MHMC.) She is responsible for managing the specially trained attorneys, who represent indigent defendants diagnosed with mental illness. In December 2020, she appointed to serve on the Judicial Commission on Mental Health and serves as the Chair of the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers’ Association. She is a graduate of Angelo State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice, a Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology and a Juris Doctorate from Texas Wesleyan School of Law. 作为一名前职业足球运动员,我可以获得心理健康资源。 NFL 和 NFL 球员协会联手创建了一个心理健康资源,供前任和现任球员在需要时寻求帮助。这是对我们和我们家人的免费服务。 我会在必要时使用这些资源,甚至只是检查一下我在生活中的位置和正在发生的事情。 上周,NAMI North Texas 开始了一项培训计划,旨在为执法部门(以及最终所有急救人员及其家人)提供一个完全保密、免费、无污名的心理健康支持网络。 通过设计,它解决了急救人员倾向于不寻求心理保健的最突出原因;社会和职业耻辱、对降职或失业的恐惧、无法找到能够与引起对心理健康专业人员需求的重复性创伤相关的提供者。该计划将是心理健康护理完全保密的第一步,使急救人员更容易寻求帮助。同伴支持者也将成为专业心理健康服务的桥梁。他们将接受培训,以识别同事的需求何时超过他们接受的培训,并帮助他们与具有与急救人员合作经验的治疗师、精神病医生或其他专业服务人员建立联系。 我一直尊重执法人员,是的,即使在一些困难的情况下,因为他们也有家庭,他们的首要任务是为社区提供服务,保护和服务。 蒂米纽瑟姆 NAMI NTX 总裁 有关我们的更多信息 守望先锋同伴支持计划(OPS) , 联系我们的项目和运营总监, 克里斯托弗·佩恩 。
- Deborah Goodall | Nami North Texas
Deborah Goodall Heather Bianchi, M.A., BCBA, LBA is a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst and Licensed Behavior Analyst who currently serves as Executive Vice President for Behavioral Transformations – a company that provides ABA therapy, Speech Therapy, and Counseling primarily for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder across seven clinics in Rockwall and Kaufman County. 作为一名前职业足球运动员,我可以获得心理健康资源。 NFL 和 NFL 球员协会联手创建了一个心理健康资源,供前任和现任球员在需要时寻求帮助。这是对我们和我们家人的免费服务。 我会在必要时使用这些资源,甚至只是检查一下我在生活中的位置和正在发生的事情。 上周,NAMI North Texas 开始了一项培训计划,旨在为执法部门(以及最终所有急救人员及其家人)提供一个完全保密、免费、无污名的心理健康支持网络。 通过设计,它解决了急救人员倾向于不寻求心理保健的最突出原因;社会和职业耻辱、对降职或失业的恐惧、无法找到能够与引起对心理健康专业人员需求的重复性创伤相关的提供者。该计划将是心理健康护理完全保密的第一步,使急救人员更容易寻求帮助。同伴支持者也将成为专业心理健康服务的桥梁。他们将接受培训,以识别同事的需求何时超过他们接受的培训,并帮助他们与具有与急救人员合作经验的治疗师、精神病医生或其他专业服务人员建立联系。 我一直尊重执法人员,是的,即使在一些困难的情况下,因为他们也有家庭,他们的首要任务是为社区提供服务,保护和服务。 蒂米纽瑟姆 NAMI NTX 总裁 有关我们的更多信息 守望先锋同伴支持计划(OPS) , 联系我们的项目和运营总监, 克里斯托弗·佩恩 。
- Horario de clases | Nami North Texas
Bienvenido a NAMI North Texas, donde brindamos un salvavidas de apoyo y educación para personas que viven con problemas de salud mental y sus seres queridos. Ya sea que esté buscando recursos para usted o para alguien que le importa, nuestras clases gratuitas y grupos de apoyo están diseñados para ofrecer orientación, comprensión y una comunidad compasiva. Explore nuestra amplia gama de programas para aprender cómo puede obtener herramientas valiosas para la recuperación, crear sistemas de apoyo más sólidos y conectarse con otras personas que comparten experiencias similares. Comience su viaje hacia el bienestar mental hoy, porque nadie debería afrontarlo solo. saltar al programa: Grupo De Apoyo Para Familiares NAMI Conexión De Familia A Familia Un grupo de apoyo para familiares de personas que experimentan problemas de salud mental. Segundo sábado de cada mes de 4:00 a 5:30 p. m. 2do sábado grupo virtual 4:00PM-5:30 PM 10 de Agosto 14 de Septiembre 12 de Octubre 9 de Noviembre 14 de Diciembre Meeting dado via Zoom REGISTRARSE A support group for individuals struggling with all types of mental health challenges 2nd Miércoles @ 6:00 - 7:30 PM 2do Miércoles grupo virtual 6:00PM-7:30 PM 13 de Noviembre 11 de Diciembre Meeting dado via Zoom REGISTRARSE 8-semana clases Para todos Septiembre 14 Los Sabados a las | 11:00am Septiembre 14 - Noviembre 2 Más información después del registro Via Zoom lista de espera "Este programa hizo una tremenda diferencia en mi relación con mi hija. No puedo creer cómo desinformada era sobre la enfermedad mental. Ya me he referido tres personas para la próxima clase."
- Grissell Castro OPS Instructor Bio | Nami North Texas
About Grissell Castro Grissell currently the Instructional Associate at the Law Enforcement Academy and the Public Safety Training Center at Tarrant County College. She is passionate about First Responder and Military Mental Health & Wellness and am constantly pursuing higher education at the graduate level to help me help others. Grissell is a Certified Paraprofessional in EMDR for First Responders, a Police & Fire Chaplain, a member of the Overwatch Peer Support (OPS), and hold an Advanced Certificate in Hostage/Crisis Negotiations. I was an advanced Public Safety Dispatcher for almost 7 years, she also hold a Certificate for Emergency Medical Dispatch, and have dispatched for both Police & Fire and was also a Communications Training Officer for Fire Dispatch.
- Family Members & Caregivers | Nami North Texas
Family Members & Caregivers Family-to-Family NAMI Family-to-Family is a free, 8-week educational program for family members of adults living with a mental health condition: parents, siblings, spouses, adult children, partners, and significant others. This course intends to offer insight and support into your loved one's condition while helping you understand how to better take care of yourself. Family-to-Family provides information on diagnoses, their biological aspects, and possibilities for living in recovery and details various treatment strategies available. While you learn how to best advocate for, communicate with, and relate to your loved one, you will also be surrounded by support from other individuals on the same journey. You will also learn how to cope with worry, stress, and emotional overload throughout the course through confidential, empathetic conversations. Family-to-Family is taught by trained facilitators who know what it is like to have a loved one with a mental health condition. Everyone is a valued participant, and we welcome you to join and share. Class Schedule Family Support Group NAMI Family Support Group is a free, 90-minute monthly support group for family members, caregivers, and loved ones of individuals with a mental health condition. Facilitated by peers who have experience caring for loved ones living with a mental health condition, these trained individuals understand your struggles and offer compassionate support. Family Support Groups are structured in a casual, relaxed environment without an educational format, where everything you share is kept completely confidential. Members gain hope, insight, support, and community through conversations with peers who are in a similar position. You will have the opportunity to grow from other’s experiences as you learn from and support one another. You never have to share more than you want to, and there is no need to register; just come when you need someone to talk to. Family Support Groups are open to all adults whose loved ones are living with a mental health condition, regardless of diagnosis. We welcome drop-ins and encourage you to share your thoughts at any time. Group Schedule Family & Friends Seminar NAMI Family & Friends is a free, 4-hour seminar that informs and supports family members, partners, friends and significant others who have loved ones with a mental health condition. Participants learn about diagnoses, treatment, recovery, communication strategies, crisis preparation and NAMI resources. Seminar leaders are also family members and know what it is like to have a loved one with a mental health condition. Class Schedule "This was a life changing class for me. I am so grateful for the openness, authenticity, and care the Miller's provided us. Even when the topics clearly got emotionally tough for our group and we weren't able to share as much to the discussion topic, the Miller's were very encouraging and comforting, sometimes offering their own personal experiences to help bridge any gaps. It was uplifting for me to know that I am not alone and others can relate. The Miller's teaching this class was such a blessing."
- President's Page | Nami North Texas
总统专页 总统寄语 2022 年 2 月 作为一名前职业足球运动员,我可以获得心理健康资源。 NFL 和 NFL 球员协会联手创建了一个心理健康资源,供前任和现任球员在需要时寻求帮助。这是对我们和我们家人的免费服务。 我会在必要时使用这些资源,甚至只是检查一下我在生活中的位置和正在发生的事情。 上周,NAMI North Texas 开始了一项培训计划,旨在为执法部门(以及最终所有急救人员及其家人)提供一个完全保密、免费、无污名的心理健康支持网络。 通过设计,它解决了急救人员倾向于不寻求心理保健的最突出原因;社会和职业耻辱、对降职或失业的恐惧、无法找到能够与引起对心理健康专业人员需求的重复性创伤相关的提供者。该计划将是心理健康护理完全保密的第一步,使急救人员更容易寻求帮助。同伴支持者也将成为专业心理健康服务的桥梁。他们将接受培训,以识别同事的需求何时超过他们接受的培训,并帮助他们与具有与急救人员合作经验的治疗师、精神病医生或其他专业服务人员建立联系。 我一直尊重执法人员,是的,即使在一些困难的情况下,因为他们也有家庭,他们的首要任务是为社区提供服务,保护和服务。 蒂米纽瑟姆 NAMI NTX 总裁 有关我们的更多信息 守望先锋同伴支持计划(OPS) , 联系我们的项目和运营总监, 克里斯托弗·佩恩 。 总统寄语 2022 年 2 月 作为一名前职业足球运动员,我可以获得心理健康资源。 NFL 和 NFL 球员协会联手创建了一个心理健康资源,供前任和现任球员在需要时寻求帮助。这是对我们和我们家人的免费服务。 我会在必要时使用这些资源,甚至只是检查一下我在生活中的位置和正在发生的事情。 上周,NAMI North Texas 开始了一项培训计划,旨在为执法部门(以及最终所有急救人员及其家人)提供一个完全保密、免费、无污名的心理健康支持网络。 通过设计,它解决了急救人员倾向于不寻求心理保健的最突出原因;社会和职业耻辱、对降职或失业的恐惧、无法找到能够与引起对心理健康专业人员需求的重复性创伤相关的提供者。该计划将是心理健康护理完全保密的第一步,使急救人员更容易寻求帮助。同伴支持者也将成为专业心理健康服务的桥梁。他们将接受培训,以识别同事的需求何时超过他们接受的培训,并帮助他们与具有与急救人员合作经验的治疗师、精神病医生或其他专业服务人员建立联系。 我一直尊重执法人员,是的,即使在一些困难的情况下,因为他们也有家庭,他们的首要任务是为社区提供服务,保护和服务。 蒂米纽瑟姆 NAMI NTX 总裁 有关我们的更多信息 守望先锋同伴支持计划(OPS) , 联系我们的项目和运营总监, 克里斯托弗·佩恩 。 总统寄语 2022 年 2 月 作为一名前职业足球运动员,我可以获得心理健康资源。 NFL 和 NFL 球员协会联手创建了一个心理健康资源,供前任和现任球员在需要时寻求帮助。这是对我们和我们家人的免费服务。 我会在必要时使用这些资源,甚至只是检查一下我在生活中的位置和正在发生的事情。 上周,NAMI North Texas 开始了一项培训计划,旨在为执法部门(以及最终所有急救人员及其家人)提供一个完全保密、免费、无污名的心理健康支持网络。 通过设计,它解决了急救人员倾向于不寻求心理保健的最突出原因;社会和职业耻辱、对降职或失业的恐惧、无法找到能够与引起对心理健康专业人员需求的重复性创伤相关的提供者。该计划将是心理健康护理完全保密的第一步,使急救人员更容易寻求帮助。同伴支持者也将成为专业心理健康服务的桥梁。他们将接受培训,以识别同事的需求何时超过他们接受的培训,并帮助他们与具有与急救人员合作经验的治疗师、精神病医生或其他专业服务人员建立联系。 我一直尊重执法人员,是的,即使在一些困难的情况下,因为他们也有家庭,他们的首要任务是为社区提供服务,保护和服务。 蒂米纽瑟姆 NAMI NTX 总裁 有关我们的更多信息 守望先锋同伴支持计划(OPS) , 联系我们的项目和运营总监, 克里斯托弗·佩恩 。
- Claudia Smith | Nami North Texas
Claudia Smith I have been a member of NAMI North Texas and a teacher of Family-to-Family in Spanish and English for the past 8 years. I had been in the hotel business for the past 37 years, 25 of those in Dallas, Texas. I love my family; they are my support. I love walking my dog and gardening (they are also my therapy). I immensely enjoy my Family-to-Family classes because I am able to pay back all the love, support, and teaching that NAMI provides for me and my family, and also teach families how to understand and help their loved ones suffering from mental health issues.
- Our Services | Nami North Texas
Education & Support Family Members & Caregivers 我们与该计划有关的大部分工作都涉及研究新方法并开发实施它们的创新方法。我们通过收集定性和定量数据来评估我们在这一领域的成功,并使用这些信息来衡量我们基线测量的变化和变化。 Programs Kids, Teens, & Young Adults NAMI North Texas Youth Programs help battle the stigma that surrounds mental health conditions and provide the resources and support that can make a difference in the lives of youth and their families. Programs Individuals Living with Mental Illness For those who suffer from a mental health condition, knowing the facts about mental health can help to lessen the burden of a diagnosis. One in five Americans experiences some form of mental illness in any given year, and severe conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or long-term recurring major depression affects one in 25 Americans. Mental illness can affect anyone at any point in their life and is not a reflection of self-worth or ability but instead should be viewed as any other serious illness. Mental illness is never your fault, nor the responsibility of those around you. It is not a personal failure to experience symptoms of mental illness that interfere with your daily functioning or make it hard for you to enjoy life as you used to. With this being said, many misconceptions exist surrounding mental illness that make it hard for those who suffer to seek help, and the stigma of having a mental health condition can worsen symptoms. Although mental illness can feel isolating, you are not alone, and there is hope for recovery. NAMI North Texas offers many different tools, resources, and support groups for many demographics, aiming to educate, support, and advocate for those with mental illnesses. Programs
- Contact | Nami North Texas
Contact Sign Up to Stay Informed! Sign up to receive our monthly NAMI North Texas newsletter and other event announcements delivered to your inbox. By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: NAMI North Texas, 2812 Swiss Ave. , Dallas, TX, 75204, US, . You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the Unsubscribe link found at the bottom of every email. Join NAMI North Texas Today! Join the thousands of Americans dedicated to improving the lives of people with mental health conditions. When you join, you become a part of NAMI at the national, state, and local levels. Member benefits include The Advocate, member discounts, convention registration discounts, access to our online member community, and much more. Be sure to must indicate NAMI North Texas as your local affiliate! Membership Family: $60 Individual: $40 Open Door: $5 (For persons with a limited income) Membership dues are tax-deductible Join NAMI North Texas 地址 瑞士大街 2812 号 德克萨斯州达拉斯 75204 接触 (214) 341-7133 营业时间 周一至周五 上午 9:00 – 下午 5:00 Send Us a Message! 名 姓 电子邮件 信息 发送 感谢提交!
- Todd Gyure OPS Instructor Bio | Nami North Texas
About Todd Gyure Todd Gyure has worked at the Garland Police Department for over 21 years with 16.5 years of that time spent working in the Patrol unit. For the past 5 years Todd has been assigned to the Garland Police Departments Wellness Unit. Todd is in his 12th year as a member of The Garland Police Departments S.W.A.T. team as a hostage negotiator. Todd is a TCOLE certified mental health officer, a Suicide and Crisis Center of North TX certified telephone crisis counselor, GPD TCOLE 1850 Crisis intervention training instructor, Department of Public Safety certified Officer Resilience Training Leader, FRCPI certified law enforcement suicide prevention trainer, IAFF behavioral health awareness peer support certified, First Responder Stress and Trauma instructor (F1RST), member of Garland Police Departments Critical Incident Stress Management team, founder of The Law Enforcement Mental Health Alliance of North TX, founder of the NAMI North TX Overwatch Peer Support (OPS) program, Associate Producer of the film PTSD911, Mental Health First Aid certified instructor, and a Certified Police Field Training Officer. Todd is passionate about all things brain health for both the public he serves, and the law enforcement/first responder community at large. During his time with The Garland Police Department Todd has earned numerous awards and commendations to include: FOP’s Officer of the year, Garland Police Department’s 2019 Unit of the Year for his work in the wellness unit, Police Commendation Bar, Meritorious Conduct Bar, 2 Life Saving Bars, several Officer of the Month certificates, and a 2022 Mental Health America Prism award winner. Todd has spent that last 19 years as a big brother to Zach Moore. Zach Moore is the only son of Garland Officer Michael David Moore who was killed in the line of duty in 1997. Todd is a past president of NAMI North TX, and still serves on the board of directors. Todd earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from the University of North TX, has two current TX public school teacher certificates, and his Master Peace Officer license.