Family Members & Caregivers
NAMI Family-to-Family is a free, 8-week educational program for family members of adults living with a mental health condition: parents, siblings, spouses, adult children, partners, and significant others. This course intends to offer insight and support into your loved one's condition while helping you understand how to better take care of yourself. Family-to-Family provides information on diagnoses, their biological aspects, and possibilities for living in recovery and details various treatment strategies available. While you learn how to best advocate for, communicate with, and relate to your loved one, you will also be surrounded by support from other individuals on the same journey.
You will also learn how to cope with worry, stress, and emotional overload throughout the course through confidential, empathetic conversations.
Family-to-Family is taught by trained facilitators who know what it is like to have a loved one with a mental health condition. Everyone is a valued participant, and we welcome you to join and share.

Family Support Group
NAMI Family Support Group is a free, 90-minute monthly support group for family members, caregivers, and loved ones of individuals with a mental health condition. Facilitated by peers who have experience caring for loved ones living with a mental health condition, these trained individuals understand your struggles and offer compassionate support. Family Support Groups are structured in a casual, relaxed environment without an educational format, where everything you share is kept completely confidential. Members gain hope, insight, support, and community through conversations with peers who are in a similar position. You will have the opportunity to grow from other’s experiences as you learn from and support one another. You never have to share more than you want to, and there is no need to register; just come when you need someone to talk to. Family Support Groups are open to all adults whose loved ones are living with a mental health condition, regardless of diagnosis. We welcome drop-ins and encourage you to share your thoughts at any time.
Family & Friends Seminar
NAMI Family & Friends is a free, 4-hour seminar that informs and supports family members, partners, friends and significant others who have loved ones with a mental health condition. Participants learn about diagnoses, treatment, recovery, communication strategies, crisis preparation and NAMI resources. Seminar leaders are also family members and know what it is like to have a loved one with a mental health condition.